29 April 2007

.here we go.

birds flying high

1. tick is at the print house. it should be back, bound and beautiful, by the middle of may. if you've got any fingers you're not using, you should cross them for me.

and then we're gonna have a party. you should come.

2. the website is up. if you don't believe me, go click on something. there are sample pages from the comic, desktop images and t-shirt designs, cartoons, good things. and more on its way.

3. this is a strange feeling, you know? not unfamiliar, not unmanageable, but maybe not to be dwelled on, either.

and so we're doing an anthology. yes, an anthology, and not only to distract ourselves, but also because there are just too many good things you've never seen, and your ignorance is not becoming. we're going to make a big, versatile, beautiful comic book, and then you can read it, and we'll all come out on the other side notably more attractive for our trouble.

if you're aware of something good and graphic and sequential and un-or-under-appreciated you're afraid i may overlook, or if you yourself are good and graphic and sequential and un-or-under-appreciated, let me know, okay?


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