25 February 2008

.rainy days are here again.

the rumors are quite true; i will indeed be nestled amidst the fine, foxy legion of exhibitors at portland, oregon's stumptown comics fest 2008. i'll be selling copies of tick and should hopefully have at least the first installment of oubliette on hand as well.

i've got me a half table, which is a good deal more than i need, so if someone wants to jump in on that, let me know (boyblue@boyblueproductions.com).

stumptown comics fest 2008
saturday, april 26th and sunday, april 27th, 2008; 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
lloyd center doubletree, portland, oregon
craig thompson, raina telgemeier, liz greenfield, awesomeness, me. come!

yes yes, my friends. i shall see you there.

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