24 May 2008

.new moon rising.


i've just finished illustrating and designing i love the moon, the forthcoming record from hudson valley singer-songwriter helen avakian. the covers and liner notes include some new drawings based loosely on helen and her songs. the album is scheduled for june 27 release from the artist's own highwater music imprint, and can be ordered and further explored over at her site.


helen is a dizzyingly talented guitarist, and the songs and arrangements on this latest release give her ample opportunity to flex her fingers. i did my best to translate the album's emotional tenor into something visual, and felt i had been reasonably successful in that ambition, although it quickly became clear that helen does not share my view of her work as overwhelmingly subdued and contemplative. between you and me, i don't think she's listened to the album very closely.


1 comment:

freedomschoolrecords said...

Kenan, oh my God! These are great! I'll have to get one of these CD's. The blue works excellently.