04 January 2009

.sunday morning
at the boy blue offices.


you're looking at an early prototype for our new dinosaur apple pancakes. they're still in development, but we feel confident that, once they're ready for the marketplace, sunday brunch will never be the same.

in other news, we've got some new sites up and running:

Cathedral VI | Ephraim Rubenstein:: ephraim rubenstein's breathtaking paintings and drawings celebrate the art of observation to a degree one would be hard-pressed to find elsewhere. each one examines the most intimate and exquisite details of objects and environments too often taken for granted. seriously, you've never seen a sexier stack of hardcovers.

eph's got an exhibition of his recent used and discarded books series going up in february at george billis in chelsea that we highly recommend. but don't take our word for it.

SMASH!:: smash camera! is a friendly little rental house in brooklyn run by two stellar cinematographers, graham willoughby and joseph victorine, both of whom i've had the pleasure to work with. (graham shot the much-lauded h.b.o. documentary the blacklist; joe specializes in music videos, and kindly lent his skills to our recent first foray into that realm.) they've got reasonable rates, experienced support, and an amazing new red camera that you will not believe is digital video.

there's lots in the works over here, and more goodness is on its way.

:: in accordance with one of our many resolutions, we've been doing some new-year's tidying here at headquarters, and you'll never believe what we found: our stack of swag from mocca 2007. (remember then? if not, you aren't missing much; we felt certain we were going to be stuck with our current president forever, and we were all really envious of property owners.)

shortly thereafter, we had quickly and unexpectedly to move ourselves into storage for a while, and we never got around to doing a write-up, or even reading most of the beautiful comics we picked up. expect a better-late-than-never atonement for this transgression to trickle onto these pages in the near future.

in the meantime, enjoy your tea and your christmas comics with the confidence that you have begun a new and better year, when complete sentences will issue from the oval office, gabrielle bell will publish a new book, and dinosaurs will roam the breakfast table.


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